Please note: MDBA provides these links as a service to members and visitors to our website but is not responsible for their content nor directly endorses (approves) these websites. Links will open in the same browser window or tab. To return to the MDBA site, simply use the browser's "back" function. If you would like to suggest additional websites related to deafblindness, send an email with the link and a description to
General Information
Conferences for or about deafblind people
American Association of the Deaf-Blind (AADB)
is the Minnesota affiliate of AADB.
AADB is "a national consumer advocacy organization for people who
have combined hearing and vision impairments. AADB is open to all persons
who are deaf-blind and individuals directly concerned with their well
being, including spouses, children, friends, and health care professionals.
Seeks to encourage independent living for individuals who are deaf-blind.
Provides technical assistance to persons who are deaf-blind, families,
educators, and service providers."
DeafBlind International (DbI)
"As deafblindness is a low incidence disability the extent of
activity in any one country will not be enough to maintain a distinct
identity for this field. International networking and the sharing of
information is essential to the development of the deafblind field and
quality services for deafblind people. To learn from good practice we
need to collaborate across national boundaries."
World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB)
"A nonprofit, beneficial society of national organizations of
deaf-blind persons, of deaf-blind individuals, and of other concerned
individuals, organized for the purpose of advancing the economic, educational
and social welfare of deaf-blind persons, and improving the morale among
deaf- blind individuals throughout the world." Publishes the International
Newsletter for the Deaf-Blind and coordinates the Helen Keller World
Conference (text
copies of speeches from the 7th Helen Keller World Conference)
Deaf-Blind Explorers - A non-profit organization dedicated to providing
solutions for the travel needs of the deaf-blind
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DeafBlind Services Minnesota (DBSM)
DBSM is a rehabilitation and training program for people who are or
are becoming deafblind. DBSM provides training in Orientation &
Mobility (O&M), independent living skills, communication, Braille
and alternatives to print, computer and adaptive computer technologies.
It also coordinates a Support Services Provider (SSP) program and often
collaborates with MDBA to provide community events and activities.
These contacts are for citizens so that they can report to public agency their transportation concerns and any ADA issues that they encounter regarding bus service, sidewalks, maintenance, traffic signals, curb ramps, and other issues.
1. Metro Transit: Contact either Jan Dietrich, at 612-349-7555 or contact Sydnee Woods at 612.349.7621
2. Metro Mobility ADA and accessibility concerns: 651.602.1111 or 651.221.9886 TTY.
3. To report ADA concerns that you encounter using transit services around the
state outside of the Twin Cities area, contact Sarah Lenz, Office of Transit,
Mn/DOT at 651.366.4177
4. To report ADA concerns about Mn/DOT roads, services, activities, or programs: A. Call Mn/DOT's ADA hotline at 651-366-4726. This phone number is available 24 hours a day. Please leave a detailed message and be sure to tell us how we can reach you. You can call our toll-free number at 1-800-657-3774 if you live outside of Metro area. B. Fill out the comment @comment form. Download the comment form and mail it to us. C. Send your comments to: Bruce Lattu, Office of Affirmative Action, 395 John Ireland Blvd, Minnesota Department of Transportation, MS 200, St. Paul, MN, 55155. You may remain anonymous, but providing contact info will help us contact you about your concern. If you have tried calling, e-mailing or writing to us and have had no response and your concerns remain unresolved, please go to this link: , or, contact Bruce Lattu by email: or phone: 651-366-4718 (Call 711 and ask to be connected to Bruce's number.)
5. To report to city or county your ADA and accessibility concerns: contact the city or county ADA coordinator, who may be listed on the city or
county website. You may also contact city or county engineer. However, we will
always help you find the appropriate contact. Just contact Bruce Lattu
(information above) and we will connect you with the agency contact who can
6. To get involved with ADA and transportation concerns in the Twin Cities
area: Met Council Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee represents
disability interests to the Met Council. Citizen advisory with staff
representatives. There may be citizen openings at this time, so please contact
them if you are interested. Andy Streasick: 651-602-1662 TTY 651-221-9886 or
7. To get involved on a statewide level: participate in the State Nonmotorized Transportation Committee. This committee is for citizens and others to advise
Mn/DOT on biking and walking. You are invited to join us or apply to be a
representative when a citizen position opens. Contact:
Minnesota DeafBlind Technical Assistance Project
The MN DeafBlind Technical Assistance Project is federally funded
under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). The Project provides
technical assistance which supports Minnesota children and youth, birth
to 21 years, who have BOTH a vision and hearing impairment. These services
are in addition to those provided by schools, and other state and local
Duluth Lighthouse for the Blind - DeafBlind Program
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (MN Dept. of Human Services)
Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind - Seattle, Washington
SPARKLE: Supporting Parent Access to Resources, Knowledge, Linkages and
Helen Keller National Center - North Central Region (IL, IN, OH, MN, WI, MI)
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DeafBlind Info - Minnesota's Online DeafBlindness Resource -
This is Minnesota's most extensive online source of information
about deafblindness and the resources available to people with combined
hearing and vision loss, and their families and service providers. Developed
and sponsored by the Minnesota Dept. of Human Services. Find helpful links
and resources in Minnesota, in other states, and national and international
organizations. Explore specialized resource guides for parents of children
with dual sensory impairment, deafblind youth and adults, and senior citizens
losing their vision and hearing. This site was developed in collaboration
with DeafBlind board members of MDBA and
parents of DeafBlind children.
National Consortium on Deafblindness
Email listservs
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This section lists information about upcoming conferences of interest
to DeafBlind people and their supporters all over the world. Like MDBA
events on a larger scale, conferences can provide a wonderful opportunity
for DeafBlind people to maintain an important sense of community and
make lasting friendships with other DeafBlind people.
No information at this time.
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